i don't know the tesis of this article of " the worst mistake in the history of the human race"

This site states Jared's thesis.


To find the thesis of an article titled "The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race," you would typically need to read the article and identify the main argument or central idea the author is putting forth. However, as an AI, I cannot directly access specific articles or their content.

If you have access to the article, here's how you can go about identifying its thesis:

1. Read the introduction and conclusion: The thesis statement is often introduced early in the article and restated or expanded upon in the conclusion. Look for key sentences or phrases that summarize the main point or argument being made.

2. Look for topic sentences: Scan through each paragraph and identify topic sentences which express the main idea of that paragraph. The thesis statement is usually the overarching main idea that these topic sentences support or advance.

3. Identify key arguments or claims: Pay attention to the author's main arguments or claims throughout the article. These can provide clues to the central thesis.

4. Consider the title: Sometimes, the thesis statement can be hinted at or explicitly stated in the article's title. Reflect on how the title relates to the content of the article and if it provides any insight into the thesis.

Remember, understanding the thesis of an article requires careful reading and analysis. If you don't have access to the specific article, I suggest trying to obtain a copy through a library or academic database to delve into the details and uncover the author's main argument.