How many liters of carbon dioxide at 20 oC and 750 torr are produced when one gallon of toluene is burned

Convert 1 gallon of toluene to mL then to grams. Follow the procedure in the link below to calculate moles CO2, then use PV = nRT to convert to liters.

can't convert ml to grams

You can if you know the density. Look at your post where you asked how to convert ml to grams. I worked the problem for you form scratch.

1 gallon toluene = about 3,785 mL

density = about 0.867 g/mL
mass toluene = 3785 mL x 0.867 g/mL = 3282 grams.
C7H8 + 9O2 ==> 7CO2 + 4H2O

moles toluene = grams/molar mass = 3282/92 = about 36 moles.
From the equation above, 1 mole C7H8 will produce 7 moles CO2; therefore, 36 moles toluene will produce 7 x 36 = about 250 moles CO2..

PV = nRT– V=250 X 8.314 X 293 / 750 = 812 L

To find the number of liters of carbon dioxide produced when one gallon of toluene is burned, we need to use the given information and conversion factors. Here's a step-by-step process to calculate it:

1. Convert the volume of one gallon to liters:
- Since one gallon is equal to 3.785 liters, we multiply: 1 gallon × 3.785 liters/gallon = 3.785 liters.

2. Find the molar ratio between toluene and carbon dioxide:
- The balanced chemical equation for the combustion of toluene is:
C7H8 + 9O2 → 7CO2 + 4H2O
- From the equation, we can see that for every 1 mole of toluene burned, 7 moles of carbon dioxide are produced.

3. Convert the moles of toluene to moles of carbon dioxide:
- Since we know the volume and pressure of the carbon dioxide produced, we don't need to consider the temperature. The molar volume of any gas at STP (standard temperature and pressure) is 22.4 liters/mol.
- Set up the following conversion factor: 7 moles CO2/1 mole toluene.
- Multiply the conversion factor by the number of moles of toluene produced from step 1:
3.785 liters × (7 moles CO2/1 mole toluene) = 26.495 moles CO2.

4. Convert moles of carbon dioxide to liters:
- Using the molar volume of a gas at STP, we can convert moles to liters.
- Set up the following conversion factor: 22.4 liters/mol CO2.
- Multiply the conversion factor by the number of moles of carbon dioxide produced from step 3:
26.495 moles CO2 × (22.4 liters/mol CO2) = 593.648 liters CO2.

Therefore, when one gallon of toluene is burned, approximately 593.648 liters of carbon dioxide are produced at 20 °C and 750 torr.