I can distinguish living from non-living material? I can identify and describe five basic characteristics of life and give an example of each. I can How Dr.Penelope Boston is preparing to look for evidence of life on mars.

To distinguish between living and non-living material, you can look for five basic characteristics of life. These characteristics include organization, metabolism, responsiveness, growth, and reproduction. Let me explain each of these characteristics and provide an example:

1. Organization: Living organisms are highly organized, with distinct structures and systems. For example, a plant has roots, stems, leaves, and flowers, each serving a specific function.

2. Metabolism: Living organisms engage in metabolic activities to obtain and use energy. For instance, animals consume food, and through a process called cellular respiration, convert it into energy for their body functions.

3. Responsiveness: Living things can respond to stimuli or changes in their environment. For example, a sunflower plant turning towards the sunlight is a response to ensure maximum photosynthesis.

4. Growth: Living organisms exhibit growth, where they increase in size and complexity over time. A prime example is a human baby growing into an adult through various stages of development.

5. Reproduction: Living organisms have the ability to reproduce, creating new individuals of their own kind. A common example is plants producing seeds that can grow into new plants.

Regarding Dr. Penelope Boston's work in preparing to look for evidence of life on Mars, I don't have any information about Dr. Boston's specific preparations, as my knowledge is limited to general information. However, scientists, including Dr. Boston and NASA, are working on various methods to search for signs of life on Mars. These methods include studying the planet's geological features, analyzing the composition of Martian rocks and soil, and searching for organic compounds or signs of water that may indicate the presence of living organisms or past life. Additionally, robotic missions like the Mars rovers and future human missions aim to collect samples for further study and analysis.