Speech in the Virginia Convention by Patrick Henry

2a. what does henry say about the previous speakers?
2b What does he hope to accomplish by commenting on the previous speakers?

He said that he respects the previous speakers, but that he vigorously disagrees with them.

What do you think he hoped to accomplish?


2a. In the Speech in the Virginia Convention, Patrick Henry says very little about the previous speakers. He only briefly mentions that he has listened attentively to the arguments presented by the previous speakers before delivering his own remarks.

2b. By commenting on the previous speakers, Henry aims to acknowledge their perspectives and show respect for their viewpoints. However, his main intention is to distinguish his own perspective and position as being different from theirs. He wants to express his strong opposition to the proposed policies and convince his audience to join him in his resistance. Henry hopes to persuade the listeners by presenting his arguments forcefully and compellingly, hence demonstrating the urgency of his cause.

To find out what Patrick Henry says about the previous speakers in his speech in the Virginia Convention, you can refer to the actual text of the speech. Here's how to do it:

1. Open your preferred search engine (e.g., Google).
2. Type "Speech in the Virginia Convention by Patrick Henry" in the search bar and hit enter.
3. Look for reliable sources that provide the full text of Patrick Henry's speech. You can use sources like online libraries, educational websites, or reputable book sources (e.g., Project Gutenberg).
4. Once you find a reliable source with the full text, click on the link to access the speech.
5. Search for the sections where Patrick Henry talks about the previous speakers. You can use Ctrl+F or Command+F to open the find feature in your browser, then type in keywords like "previous speakers" or "other speakers" to locate the relevant passages.
6. Read the surrounding context to understand what Henry says about the previous speakers.

By following these steps, you should be able to find what Patrick Henry says about the previous speakers in his speech. Now, moving on to the second part of your question:

Patrick Henry may comment on the previous speakers in order to achieve several goals:

1. Validate his own argument: By analyzing the previous speakers' arguments or ideas, Henry can highlight any flaws or weaknesses in their reasoning. This, in turn, strengthens his own position and makes his arguments more convincing.

2. Establish credibility: By critically evaluating the arguments of his predecessors, Henry positions himself as an authority on the subject matter. This helps him gain credibility and encourages the audience to trust his perspectives.

3. Rally support: By showcasing any shortcomings in the previous speakers' arguments, Henry aims to align the audience with his views. By pointing out weaknesses in opposing arguments, he hopes to persuade the listeners to stand with him and support his own proposed course of action.

Overall, commenting on the previous speakers allows Patrick Henry to reinforce his own argument, position himself as a credible source, and rally support for his ideas among the listeners.