Please help on this: ^ means exponent

Simplify 48y^6z^0
-8y^6 z^2

In my text book because these are practice questions it says in the question that we assume the denominator is not equal to zero

You need to post your formula more accurately. I assume this is what you mean:


Any term to the zero power = 1. The two y^6 will cancel each other out.

48/8z^2 = 6/z^2

To simplify the expression (48y^6z^0) / (-8y^6z^2), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify any non-zero exponents
In this case, z^0 equals 1. So we can rewrite the expression as (48y^6 * 1) / (-8y^6z^2).

Step 2: Simplify the coefficients (numbers) separately
Divide 48 by -8, which gives us -6. The expression becomes (-6y^6) / (y^6z^2).

Step 3: Simplify the variables with the same base
Divide y^6 by y^6, and the result is 1. Our expression now simplifies to -6 / (z^2).

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is -6 / z^2.