Jackson wnats to give everyone in his class (including himself) 1 piece of bubble gum candy and 1 Toostie Pop. Bubble gum comes in packages of 6 pieces, and Toostie Pops comes in bundles of 5. There are 25 other students in his class (26 including him. How many packages must he buy?

a.6 Tootsie Pops and 6 bubble gum
b.6 Toostie Pops and 5 bubble gum
c.5 Toostie Pops and 5 bubble gum
d.5 Toostie Pops and 5 bubble gum

4 bubble gum only gives you 24, you need 25 so you need 5 bubble gum packages

5 Toostie Pops will give you exactly 25 pieces, so that's good

5 Toostie Pops and 5 Bubble gum

(your choices c) and d) are the same)

d.should be 5 Toostie Pops and 6 bubble gum

sorry typo

To find out how many packages Jackson needs to buy, we need to calculate the number of packages of bubble gum and Tootsie Pops separately.

First, let's calculate the number of bubble gum packages Jackson needs. Since each package contains 6 pieces of bubble gum and he wants to give one piece to each of the 26 students (including himself), we can divide the total number of pieces needed (26) by the number of pieces in each package (6) to find the number of packages of bubble gum.

26 / 6 = 4 remainder 2

So, Jackson needs 4 whole packages of bubble gum, plus 2 additional pieces.

Now, let's calculate the number of Tootsie Pops bundles Jackson needs. Each bundle contains 5 Tootsie Pops, and he needs to give one to each of the 26 students (including himself). Similarly, we can divide the total number of pops needed (26) by the number of pops in each bundle (5) to find the number of bundles of Tootsie Pops.

26 / 5 = 5 remainder 1

Therefore, Jackson needs 5 whole bundles of Tootsie Pops, plus 1 additional pop.

So the correct option is d. 5 Tootsie Pops and 5 bubble gum.