what colour would a green dress,red lipstick and white shoes appear under yellow disco lights and why

Dress: still green

Lipstick: orange
Shoes: still white
Why: Because yellow and green (mixed together) will still be green because green is too dark to mix with green.
The red lipstick would be orange because if you mix yellow and red paint together you would get orange.
The white shoes would be yellow because white reflects color.

bridget: Please don't add to the world's respository of ignorance.

Green under yellow is black,
red under yellow is black
white: appears yellow

Why: green absorbs yellow (that is why it is green, all other colors have been absorbed.)
One caveat. Few "colors" of pigments are pure. Green pigment may have some yellow mixed, and red, may have some yellow in it.

To understand how the colors would appear under yellow disco lights, let's break it down:

1. Green Dress: The green dress would likely appear slightly washed out under yellow disco lights. Yellow light consists of a dominant wavelength in the longer range of the visible light spectrum, which means it has a lower color temperature compared to green light. This difference in color temperature may cause the green dress to appear less vibrant and possibly slightly yellowish.

2. Red Lipstick: Red lipstick, being a warm color, would stand out under yellow disco lights. Red is complementary to yellow on the color wheel, so it would create a noticeable contrast. Red lipstick may appear more intense and vibrant under these lights.

3. White Shoes: White objects tend to reflect all light wavelengths equally, so under yellow disco lights, the white shoes would largely maintain their color. However, they might also be influenced by the yellow light, appearing slightly warmer or having a faint yellowish tinge.

It's important to note that the specific impact on colors can vary depending on factors such as the intensity of the yellow lights, the material of the dress, lipstick, and shoes, as well as individual perception. The explanations provided above are general observations based on typical interactions between colored objects and light sources.