In simple terms can you please explain to me what free market capitalism means? All the definitions are confusing and I don't understand them. Thank you for your help.

free market capitalism? Prices are set by demand and supply alone, with no artificial price or demand restrictions.

Think of a lemonade stand run by kids. If they charge ten cents a glass, they'll probably sell a lot of lemonade. But if they raise the price to $1.00 a glass, they probably won't have many customers.

That's free market capitalism. The merchant decides what price to charge for his product in order to make the most profit.

Of course! Free market capitalism is an economic system that involves both free markets and private ownership of resources. In simple terms, it means that businesses operate in an environment where they are free to produce and sell goods and services based on supply and demand, without much government intervention. This allows for competition and the pursuit of profit.

Now, let's break down what each component means:

1. Free markets: In a free market system, individuals and businesses have the freedom to buy and sell goods and services without government interference. Prices are determined by supply and demand, meaning that sellers can set their prices based on how much consumers are willing to pay. In turn, consumers have the freedom to choose what and how much they want to buy.

2. Capitalism: Capitalism is an economic system where private individuals or businesses own and control the means of production and distribution of goods and services. This means that individuals and companies can own land, factories, equipment, and resources and use them to create goods and services for profit.

So, when we put these ideas together, free market capitalism describes an economic system where businesses are privately owned and operated, competition is encouraged, and prices are determined by market forces rather than government regulation.

If you'd like more information, I can provide additional details or examples!