Determine the oxidation state for the second element in Zn3(PO4)2

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Here is a simplified list or rules for determining the oxidation state.

Zn is +2, P is +5, O is -2

To determine the oxidation state for the second element in Zn3(PO4)2, we need to consider the overall charge of the compound and the known oxidation state of other elements.

Let's start by determining the oxidation state of zinc (Zn). Zinc is a transition metal, and it typically exhibits a +2 oxidation state in its compounds.

Next, let's focus on the phosphate ion (PO4)2-. The overall charge of the phosphate ion is -3, and there are two phosphate ions in the compound. Therefore, the total negative charge is -6. Since the overall charge of the compound is neutral, the sum of the oxidation states should equal zero.

Let's assume that the oxidation state of the second element (denoted as X) is x.


For zinc (Zn): +2 * 3 = +6
For phosphate (PO4)2-: -6
For the second element (X): x

The sum of the oxidation states should equal zero:

+6 + (-6) + x = 0

Simplifying the equation:

x = 0

Therefore, the oxidation state for the second element in Zn3(PO4)2 is 0.

To determine the oxidation state of the second element in a compound, you need to use the concept of electronegativity and the known oxidation states of the other elements in the compound.

In the compound Zn3(PO4)2, zinc (Zn) is the first element. It is a transition metal and can have multiple oxidation states. To find the oxidation state of zinc, we need to look at the oxidation states of the other elements in the compound.

Phosphate (PO4) is a polyatomic ion with an overall charge of 2-. The oxygen atoms in phosphate usually have an oxidation state of -2. Since there are four oxygen atoms in PO4, they contribute a total charge of -8.

The overall charge of the compound is 0, so the sum of the oxidation states must equal 0. From this, we can determine the oxidation state of zinc.

Let's assign the variable x to the oxidation state of zinc.

The oxidation state of phosphorus (P) is usually +5 in phosphates. Since there are two phosphate ions in the compound, the total charge contributed by phosphorus is +10.

Now, let's calculate the oxidation state of zinc:

(oxidation state of zinc) x 3 + (oxidation state of phosphorus) x 2 + (oxidation state of oxygen) x 4 = 0

Substituting the known values:

x * 3 + (+10) * 2 + (-2) * 4 = 0

3x + 20 - 8 = 0

3x + 12 = 0

3x = -12

x = -12/3

x = -4

Therefore, the oxidation state of the second element (zinc) in Zn3(PO4)2 is -4.