Can you use a proportion to solve any ratio problem? If you answer is yes, which ratio WOULD you NOT use a proportion to solve.

If you answer is no, which ratio problem COULD you Not use a proportion to solve?

Yes, you can use a proportion to solve most ratio problems. A proportion is an equation that states that two ratios are equal. It can be written in the form of:

a/b = c/d

where a and c are the first terms of the ratios, and b and d are the second terms of the ratios.

However, there is one specific type of ratio problem where you would not use a proportion to solve. It is when the ratios involve variables or unknown values. In such cases, a proportion cannot be formed since we do not have concrete values to compare.

For example, let's say you have a ratio problem that states: "If a is directly proportional to b, and a = 2 when b = 5, find the value of a when b = 15." In this scenario, since we don't know the exact relationship between a and b, we cannot set up a proportion to solve the problem.

In summary, while a proportion is a useful tool to solve most ratio problems, it cannot be used when the ratios involve variables or unknown values.