47 is when rounded off the nearest ten.

47 rounded to the ten's place is 50

What is the median of the following test scores? 80%,95%,85%, 85% 100%, 100%,90%.


you find the median by putting all the numbers in order and finding the middle number

To round the number 47 to the nearest ten, follow these steps:

1. Identify the digit in the ones place, which is the rightmost digit. In this case, the ones digit is 7.

2. Since 7 is greater than or equal to 5, we need to round up to the next ten. To do this, increase the digit in the tens place by 1. In this case, the tens digit is 4.

3. Add 1 to the tens digit, resulting in 4 + 1 = 5.

4. Replace the ones digit with a 0 to obtain the rounded value to the nearest ten. The rounded value of 47 to the nearest ten is 50.