which make sense?

1. how can you expect to succeed at your new job when you are( diffused, predisposed) to believe that it is " not right" for you?

2. an economy in which the marketplace is considered "open" is one in which competition is more or less (muddled, unbridled).

3.my mother broke the (debris, deadlock)in the quarrel between my brother and me by saying that neither of us could use the car.

4. thus, the nation was faced with a ( dilemma, brigand) in which either to advance or to retreat might and endanger its vital interests.

5. the senator refused to (efface, relinquish) the floor to any other speaker before he had finished his statement.

Please look up all the words you are even a little unsure of -- http://www.dictionary.com or http://www.answers.com

Then let us know what you think for each of these five.

diffused opinionated commandeer muddled breached

1. The word that makes sense in the given context is "predisposed". To understand why, let's first break down the sentence: "how can you expect to succeed at your new job when you are __ to believe that it is 'not right' for you?". Here, we are looking for a word that refers to having an inclination or tendency towards a certain belief. To find the answer, we can consider the meanings of the given options:

- "Diffused" means scattered or spread out. This does not fit the context as it does not describe having a particular belief.
- "Predisposed" means having an inclination or tendency towards a particular belief or behavior. This is the correct word as it conveys the idea of having a pre-existing mindset that might hinder success at the new job.

Therefore, "predisposed" is the word that makes sense.

2. The word that makes sense in the given context is "unbridled". To understand why, let's break down the sentence: "an economy in which the marketplace is considered 'open' is one in which competition is more or less __". We are looking for a word that describes the nature of competition in an open marketplace. To find the answer, let's consider the meanings of the given options:

- "Muddled" means confused or unclear. This does not fit the context as it does not convey the idea of competition.
- "Unbridled" means unrestrained or unrestricted. This is the correct choice as it describes a competitive environment where there are no limitations or controls.

Therefore, "unbridled" is the word that makes sense.

3. The word that makes sense in the given context is "deadlock". To understand why, let's analyze the sentence: "my mother broke the __ in the quarrel between my brother and me by saying that neither of us could use the car." Here, we are looking for a word that describes a situation where there is a stalemate or impasse between two parties. To find the answer, let's consider the meanings of the given options:

- "Debris" refers to scattered fragments or wreckage. This does not fit the context as it does not convey the idea of a quarrel or a stalemate.
- "Deadlock" refers to a state where progress or agreement becomes impossible due to the opposing positions or actions of two parties. This is the correct word as it accurately describes the situation described in the sentence.

Therefore, "deadlock" is the word that makes sense.

4. The word that makes sense in the given context is "dilemma". To understand why, let's break down the sentence: "thus, the nation was faced with a __ in which either to advance or to retreat might endanger its vital interests." Here, we are looking for a word that describes a difficult situation where one has to choose between two undesirable options. To find the answer, let's consider the meanings of the given options:

- "Dilemma" refers to a situation where a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, usually equally undesirable. This is the correct word as it accurately describes the situation in the sentence.
- "Brigand" refers to a bandit or a highwayman. This does not fit the context as it does not convey the idea of a difficult choice.

Therefore, "dilemma" is the word that makes sense.

5. The word that makes sense in the given context is "relinquish". To understand why, let's analyze the sentence: "the senator refused to __ the floor to any other speaker before he had finished his statement." Here, we are looking for a word that describes the senator's action of not giving up or surrendering the floor to another speaker. To find the answer, let's consider the meanings of the given options:

- "Efface" means to erase or wipe out. This does not fit the context as it does not convey the idea of giving up the floor to another speaker.
- "Relinquish" means to give up or surrender. This is the correct word as it accurately describes the senator's action of not yielding the floor to another speaker.

Therefore, "relinquish" is the word that makes sense.