Which sentence is correct

I feel that us students.... or would it be I feel that we students...

I think its us but I am not certain

I feel that we students . . .

This sentence needs a subject pronoun to complete this sentence.

If you drop the word "students," which sounds best?

I feel that us should donate to charity.
I feel that we should donate to charity.

Thanks, I couldn't remeber the rule.

You're welcome.

To determine which sentence is correct, let's break it down:

1. "I feel that us students..."
2. "I feel that we students..."

Both sentences are expressing a feeling and include the phrase "us students" or "we students." The difference lies in the choice of pronoun: "us" or "we."

To determine which pronoun is correct, you need to identify which pronoun functions as the subject of the sentence.

In this case, "students" is the subject of the sentence because it is the one doing the action of feeling. Therefore, we need to choose a pronoun that is in the subjective case, which is "we."

Based on this analysis, the correct sentence would be: "I feel that we students..."

Remember, pronouns like "us" and "we" have different cases depending on their grammatical function in a sentence. In this case, we need a pronoun in the subjective case because it serves as the subject of the sentence.