Write and solve an inequality to find the approximate circumference of Earth using the following information - the 4 million miles of public roads in the U.S. would: Reach to the moon and back more than eight times, circle the globe more than 157 times

To find the approximate circumference of Earth using the given information, we can set up an inequality.

Let's assume the circumference of Earth is represented by 'C', and we know that the 4 million miles of public roads in the U.S. would reach to the moon and back more than eight times and circle the globe more than 157 times.

To calculate this, we can set up the following inequality:

4 million miles > 8 * 2 * C + 157 * C

Breaking this down:
- The term '8 * 2 * C' represents the distance to the moon and back eight times. Since the distance from Earth to the moon is approximately 238,855 miles, we multiply it by 8 and by 2 (for the round trip) to get the total distance.
- The term '157 * C' represents the distance to circle the globe 157 times, where C represents the circumference.

Simplifying the inequality:

4 million miles > 16C + 157C

4 million miles > 173C

Now, to solve for C, we can divide both sides of the inequality by 173:

4 million miles / 173 > C

Using a calculator, we find:

23,121.39 miles > C

Therefore, the approximate circumference of the Earth is greater than 23,121.39 miles.