A matchbox car with mass M rolls down a ramp, starting from rest. It takes a time T to roll a distance L on the ramp. What is the car’s acceleration down the ramp?

assuming linear acceleration.

avg velocity=L/T
but avg velocity= 1/2 Vf


but Vf=at
solve for a

Thank you for your help!

To find the car's acceleration down the ramp, we can use the equation for acceleration:

acceleration (a) = change in velocity (Δv) / change in time (Δt)

In this case, the car starts from rest, so its initial velocity (vᵢ) is 0. The final velocity (v_f) can be determined from the distance the car rolls down the ramp (L) and the time it takes (T):

v_f = L / T

Since the car starts from rest, the change in velocity (Δv) is just the final velocity (v_f). Therefore, we can rewrite the acceleration equation as:

a = v_f / Δt

To determine the change in time (Δt), we need to consider the starting and ending points for calculating the time interval. In this case, the car rolls the distance L on the ramp, so the time interval is T.

Substituting the known values into the equation, we get:

a = v_f / T

Since we already know v_f from earlier, we can substitute the value into the equation:

a = (L / T) / T

Simplifying further, we get:

a = L / (T * T)

Therefore, the car's acceleration down the ramp is L / (T * T).