What do parentheses mean in Math?

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parenthesis mean you do the equation inside of them before anything else.

for example:
(2x2)+(3x3)= _
it would be 4+9=13 instead of 2x2(=4)x3(=12)x3=36.

parenthesis mean you do the equation inside of them before anything else.

In mathematics, parentheses are used to indicate the order of operations. They are used to group numbers and operations together to ensure that the correct operations are performed first.

The acronym BEDMAS or PEMDAS is often used to remember the order of operations. These acronyms stand for:

B - Brackets
E - Exponents
D - Division
M - Multiplication
A - Addition
S - Subtraction

Parentheses, or brackets, are the first level of grouping in the order of operations. Any operations inside parentheses must be performed before any other operations.

For example, let's consider the expression "3 + 4 × 2". Without parentheses, the order of operations instructs us to perform multiplication before addition, so we would get 3 + 8, which equals 11.

However, if we add parentheses as "3 + (4 × 2)", the multiplication inside the parentheses will be performed first. So, we get 3 + 8, which equals 11.

Parentheses are essential for clarifying the intended order of operations and can greatly impact the result of a mathematical expression.