Can Someone provide me with a link some information about The relationship of european nations with china and japan i need to answars a question which nation policy was more effective? so i need some information on each policy

Would that be in the 13 century? Maybe the 15th?
Or modern?


To find information about the relationship of European nations with China and Japan in modern times, you can conduct a Google search. One way to do this is by visiting the Google homepage and entering the following search terms: "Europe China relations." After clicking on the search button, you will be presented with a list of search results related to the topic.

One of the top search results may lead you to a website or article that provides comprehensive information on the topic, including details about the policies of various European nations towards China and Japan. You can click on the relevant links to access these resources and gather the information you need to answer your question about which nation's policy was more effective.

Remember to critically evaluate the credibility and relevance of the sources you find, as it is important to rely on reputable and unbiased information for accurate analysis and interpretation.