I need help with these last 2

1.Mis amigos y yo * (asistir) a la universidad.

2. Yo (creer) en Dios y * (asistir) a la misa (Mass) con mis padres los domingos.

I just need help with asistir on this part.

Spanish Verb: asistir

English Translation: to attend

1. asistimos

2. creo...asisto


1. The verb "asistir" is conjugated differently depending on the subject:

- Yo (I): asisto
- Tú (You): asistes
- Él/Ella/Usted (He/She/You): asiste
- Nosotros/Nosotras (We): asistimos
- Vosotros/Vosotras (You all): asistís
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes (They/You all): asisten

So the correct form would be:
1. Mis amigos y yo asistimos a la universidad.
2. Yo creo en Dios y asisto a la misa con mis padres los domingos.

Sure, I can help you with that.

The verb "asistir" in Spanish means "to attend" or "to assist." In the given sentences, it has different conjugations based on the subject and tense.

1. Mis amigos y yo * (asistir) a la universidad.

To determine the correct conjugation of the verb "asistir" in this sentence, we need to consider that "mis amigos y yo" is the subject of the sentence. Since the subject is plural, we will use the plural form of the verb.

To conjugate "asistir" in the present tense for the subject "mis amigos y yo," you would use "asistimos."

So, the correct sentence would be: Mis amigos y yo asistimos a la universidad. (My friends and I attend university.)

2. Yo (creer) en Dios y * (asistir) a la misa (Mass) con mis padres los domingos.

In this sentence, we have two verbs, "creer" (to believe) and "asistir" (to attend). Let's focus on the conjugation of "asistir."

To conjugate "asistir" in the present tense for the subject "yo," you would use "asisto."

So, the correct sentence would be: Yo creo en Dios y asisto a la misa (Mass) con mis padres los domingos. (I believe in God and attend Mass with my parents on Sundays.)

It's important to practice and familiarize yourself with the conjugations of different verbs in different tenses to improve your proficiency in Spanish.