Add and subtract the rational expressions as indicated. Be sure to express your answer in simplest form

((9)/(7x)) + ((1)/(2y)) -1

I got an aswer of (16y)/(7x+2y+1)) but when I submit it shows me as wrong. Can anyone help, thanks

9/(7x) + 1/(2y) - 1

has a common denominator of 14xy

so ...

= (18y + 7x - 14xy)/(14xy)

(Did you really ADD the denominators???)

To add and subtract rational expressions, you need to find a common denominator for all the terms involved. In this case, the common denominator is 14xy.

First, let's rewrite the expression using the common denominator:

((9)/(7x)) + ((1)/(2y)) - 1

To get a denominator of 14xy, we need to multiply the first term's denominator by 2y and the second term's denominator by 7x:

((9 * 2y)/(7x * 2y)) + ((1 * 7x)/(2y * 7x)) - (1 * 14xy/14xy)

This simplifies to:

(18y)/(14xy) + (7x)/(14xy) - 14xy/14xy

Now, let's combine the numerators:

(18y + 7x - 14xy)/(14xy)

Now, we can simplify the expression:

The numerator (18y + 7x - 14xy) does not have any common factors, so we leave it as is.

The denominator (14xy) does have a common factor of 14, which we can cancel out:

(18y + 7x - 14xy)/(14xy) = (18y + 7x - 14xy)/(2xy)

So, the simplified form of the expression is:

(18y + 7x - 14xy)/(2xy)

Now, you can double-check your answer and see if it matches the simplified form of the expression.