Just checking to make sure I understand this.

Absolute value bars are grouping symbols. Use the order of operations to evaluate the expression
-3 + /-x + 2/ when x=12
-3 + /-12 + 2/ = 11


It seems there is a slight misunderstanding in your answer. Let's go through the process step by step to ensure clarity.

First, let's re-evaluate the expression using the given value of x, which is 12:
-3 + | -12 | + 2/

To evaluate the expression, we follow the order of operations. The absolute value is considered first before addition and subtraction. Since the absolute value bars "| |" act as grouping symbols, we need to calculate the absolute value of -12. The absolute value of -12 is 12, as the absolute value function always returns the positive value.

Now, our expression becomes:
-3 + 12 + 2/

Next, we move on to addition and subtraction from left to right.
-3 + 12 equals 9, so our expression now becomes:
9 + 2/

Lastly, we have a division operation. However, there seems to be a typo in your question. What value is being divided by 2? Please provide the correct information, and I will be happy to help you find the final answer.