Which of the following sentence contain a fragment?A)To prepare for the 10K race B)Eric eliminated greasy foods from his diet and began eating fresh fruits and vegetables.C)He also began getting at least eight hours of sleep every night.D)Correct


The sentence that contains a fragment is option A) "To prepare for the 10K race."

To determine if a sentence is a fragment or not, you need to understand what a sentence requires. A sentence should have both a subject and a verb and express a complete thought. A fragment is a group of words that does not form a complete sentence.

In option A, "To prepare for the 10K race" is not a complete sentence because it lacks a main subject and verb. It starts with an infinitive verb phrase, but without a subject, it does not express a complete thought.

Option B) "Eric eliminated greasy foods from his diet and began eating fresh fruits and vegetables," Option C) "He also began getting at least eight hours of sleep every night," and Option D) "Correct" are all complete sentences because they have a subject, verb, and express a complete thought.