You ride your bike for 1.9 h at an average velocity of 10 km/h, then for 30 min at 11 km/h. What is your average velocity?

Average velocity

= total distance travelled / total time

Total distance = 1.9h*10 km/h + 0.5h*11km/h
Total time = 1.9h+0.5h
So average velocity = ?

11.25 km/h

Average velocity is the total displacement divided by the total time.

t1= 1.5 hour (time)
t2= 30 minutes (time)
v1= 10 km/h (velocity)
v2= 18 km/h (velocity)

d1= 10 km/h x 1.5 hour = 15 km
d2= 15 km/h x 0.5 minutes = 7.5 km *convert the minutes to hour to get the answer 7.5*

15 km + 7.5 km (add the distance) = 22.5
1.5 h + 0.5 = 2 (divided by time) = 2

so, the answer will be 11.25 km/h.

To calculate the average velocity, you need to determine the total distance you traveled and the total time it took you to cover that distance.

First, let's calculate the distance covered during the first part of your ride. You rode for 1.9 hours at an average velocity of 10 km/h.

Distance = Velocity × Time
Distance = 10 km/h × 1.9 h
Distance = 19 km

Next, let's calculate the distance covered during the second part of your ride. You rode for 30 minutes, which is 0.5 hours, at an average velocity of 11 km/h.

Distance = Velocity × Time
Distance = 11 km/h × 0.5 h
Distance = 5.5 km

Now, let's calculate the total distance covered.

Total Distance = Distance from Part 1 + Distance from Part 2
Total Distance = 19 km + 5.5 km
Total Distance = 24.5 km

Lastly, let's calculate the total time it took you to cover this distance.

Total Time = Time from Part 1 + Time from Part 2
Total Time = 1.9 h + 0.5 h
Total Time = 2.4 h

Finally, we can calculate the average velocity.

Average Velocity = Total Distance ÷ Total Time
Average Velocity = 24.5 km ÷ 2.4 h
Average Velocity ≈ 10.208 km/h

Therefore, your average velocity for the entire ride is approximately 10.208 km/h.