1. Write a report on your favorite artist.

2. Write a report about your favorite artist.

(Are both the same? What is the difference between 'on' and 'about'?)

Both are used a lot. However, # 2 is better.

Many of our prepositions have unclear meanings. This is a good example.

write it on Camilla D'Errico

Both sentences are similar in meaning, but there is a slight difference in usage between "on" and "about" when it comes to writing a report on a specific topic.

1. "Write a report on your favorite artist." In this sentence, "on" is used to indicate that the report should be focused specifically on the chosen artist. This means that the report should primarily discuss the artist's life, work, influence, and any other relevant details.

2. "Write a report about your favorite artist." Here, "about" is used to suggest a more general approach to the topic. The report could discuss not only the artist’s life and work but also their impact on the art world, their artistic style, and any other related aspects.

Overall, the difference between using "on" and "about" in this context is subtle, but "on" tends to imply a narrower focus specifically on the chosen artist, while "about" allows for a broader exploration of various aspects related to the artist.