When students do a drawing in class, why is it important for them to share their piece of work with the rest of the class? (why is this good for the student)

A few of the observers will give valuable comment.

to get different opinions.

Getting opinions from others is one way of testing reality. Although you might get some deviant opinions, a consensus of opinions will give you a realistic view, at least for that group. This is assuming the the others are willing to give you truthful opinions.

it gives the person encouragement and a sence of accomplishment

good question. i have often wondered that my self

Through kind criticism you can Improve.

When students share their drawings with the rest of the class, it brings several benefits for their personal and academic growth. Here's why it is important for students to share their artwork:

1. Creativity and Self-expression: Sharing their drawings allows students to express their creative ideas and imagination. It gives them a chance to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and perspectives through their artwork. This act of self-expression encourages them to embrace their individuality and develop their unique artistic style.

2. Constructive Feedback: Sharing artwork with peers gives students an opportunity to receive valuable feedback and suggestions. The feedback can come from both teachers and classmates, allowing students to identify strengths and areas for improvement in their work. Constructive criticism helps them refine their skills and grow as artists.

3. Confidence Boost: Presenting their drawings to the class boosts students' self-confidence. It allows them to showcase their talent and receive recognition and appreciation for their efforts. This positive reinforcement reinforces their passion for art and encourages them to continue practicing and exploring their artistic abilities.

4. Increased Motivation: Sharing artwork nurtures a healthy sense of competition among students. Seeing the work of their peers can inspire and motivate students to further improve their own skills. It encourages them to set goals, strive for excellence, and experiment with different techniques to enhance their artwork.

5. Enhanced Communication Skills: Presenting their artwork in front of the class helps students develop effective communication skills. They learn to explain their creative choices, discuss their thought process, and articulate their ideas. These skills are crucial for future endeavors, such as art exhibitions, college applications, or art-related careers.

To sum up, sharing artwork with the rest of the class provides students with a platform to express themselves, receive feedback, build confidence, stay motivated, and develop essential communication skills. It is an integral part of an artistic journey and contributes to their overall growth as individuals.