Grady has designed a wooden storage cabinet for his CD's amd DVd's. The cabinet has wooden door that can be closed. It is in the shape of a rectangular prism.

a) calculate volume of rect. prism.

So I go l*w*h?

b? Grady has decided to keep the length and width of the cabinet the same but he wants to reduce the height by one quarter. Estimate volume.

I don't get how to do B.

Oh sorry, forgot to provide all information. The width of the cabinet is 3ft. The length is 30 in. and the height is 6ft.

Make the ft into ins. (12 in. in a foot) and muilitpy length *width *height.

Alright thanks, but I jst don't get how to do Part b)

One quarter is 1/4 or .25 so *

.25 * 6= ?
Then do the same thing you did for A and there you go (:

To calculate the volume of a rectangular prism, you need to multiply its length, width, and height.

a) For Grady's storage cabinet, if you have the measurements of the length, width, and height, you can simply multiply those values together to find the volume.

For example, let's say the length of the cabinet is 60 cm, the width is 40 cm, and the height is 100 cm. Using the formula V = l * w * h, the volume would be:

V = 60 cm * 40 cm * 100 cm
V = 240,000 cm^3

So, the volume of the rectangular prism-shaped storage cabinet is 240,000 cm^3.

b) In this scenario, Grady wants to reduce the height of the cabinet by one-quarter while keeping the length and width the same. To estimate the new volume, you need to know the initial height and the reduced height.

Let's assume the original height is 100 cm. To reduce it by one-quarter, you need to calculate 25% of the original height and then subtract it from the original height:

25% of 100 cm = (25/100) * 100 cm = 25 cm

Reduced height = 100 cm - 25 cm = 75 cm

Now that you have the dimensions for the length, width, and the reduced height, you can plug them into the volume formula (V = l * w * h) to estimate the new volume:

V = 60 cm * 40 cm * 75 cm
V = 180,000 cm^3

Therefore, the estimated volume of the storage cabinet with the reduced height is 180,000 cm^3.