Can somebody explain to me how the table of value works for Polynomial Functions? :S

Sure! I can explain how the table of values works for polynomial functions.

To create a table of values for a polynomial function, you need to substitute different values of the independent variable (usually denoted as x) into the function and calculate the corresponding values of the dependent variable (usually denoted as y or f(x)).

Here's a step-by-step process to create a table of values for a polynomial function:

1. Identify the polynomial function: Determine the degree of the polynomial (highest exponent of the variable) and its coefficients. The general form of a polynomial function is f(x) = an*x^n + an-1x^(n-1) + ... + a2x^2 + a1x + a0, where "an" to "a0" are the coefficients.

2. Choose a range of values for the independent variable: Select a set of values for x that you want to substitute into the polynomial function. Typically, these values should cover a range of interest or relevance for the function.

3. Substitute the x-values into the polynomial function: Take each chosen value of x and substitute it into the polynomial function. For example, if you have a polynomial function f(x) = 2x^2 - 3x + 1 and you chose the values x = -2, 0, and 3, you would substitute these values into the function one at a time.

4. Calculate the corresponding y-values: Once you've substituted the x-values into the polynomial function, perform the necessary calculations to determine the corresponding y-values. Evaluate the polynomial function for each x-value to obtain the corresponding y-value.

5. Create the table of values: Organize the x-values and the corresponding y-values in a table format. The x-values are generally listed in one column, and the corresponding y-values are listed in another column next to them.

For instance, let's create a table of values for the polynomial function f(x) = 2x^2 - 3x + 1, using the x-values -2, 0, and 3:

x | f(x)
-2 | 17
0 | 1
3 | 10

In this table, you have the x-values -2, 0, and 3 listed in the left column, and the corresponding y-values 17, 1, and 10 listed in the right column.

This table of values helps visualize the relationship between the x-values and the y-values, providing insights into the behavior and shape of the polynomial function. Additionally, the table of values can be used to plot the polynomial on a graph for further analysis.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to create a table of values for polynomial functions!