13. In an ESL classroom, teacher aides should prepare themselves to

A. learn or become familiar with appropriate language-related software programs.
B. handle all disciplinary measures that arise on behalf of the teacher.
C. counsel parents regarding their child’s progress or problems.
D. construct lesson plans as needed.

Not even able to figure this out. There are so many different areas that I feel the aide would be used....however these are my feelings, "B" would not be the answer because I feel it would be the Teachers responsibility to handle disciplinary action.

"D" Seems to be the answer I am thinking but not sure.

However, "A" Would seem to be the possible right answer also. I have read where the Aide would have to familiarize themselves with another language so it would be logically to say the same about software.

This is what my text says:

One of the computer-related duties of an ESL aide may be to become
familiar with the language arts software programs available in the
school’s computer lab.

B, C, and D are all in the teacher's job description. The only answer is A.

The job of any aide is to be and to remain useful to the teacher and students. This includes learning about all sorts of things so that he/she can support/assist the teacher in whatever is needed.

I agree with Writeacher. Please note that the language program is an English language arts program, not a foreign language.

Ok that you for clarifying that for me Ms. Sue.

I am trying so hard to keep my grade point average high in order to be successful in my goal of becoming an Aide.

I am finding that the answers however, are becoming a little more difficult to find. :D

Well, I should say, they are harder for me to find.

I appreciate all the input.



To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option and analyze them:

A. Learn or become familiar with appropriate language-related software programs.
This option suggests that teacher aides should prepare themselves by learning or becoming familiar with language-related software programs. This could involve software for teaching English as a second language, such as interactive learning applications or language learning platforms. Familiarizing oneself with such software can enhance the effectiveness of teaching in an ESL classroom.

B. Handle all disciplinary measures that arise on behalf of the teacher.
This option suggests that teacher aides should be responsible for handling disciplinary measures in the classroom. However, it is more likely that the primary responsibility for disciplinary measures lies with the teacher. Teacher aides may support the teacher in implementing disciplinary strategies, but the ultimate responsibility typically rests with the teacher.

C. Counsel parents regarding their child's progress or problems.
This option suggests that teacher aides should be prepared to provide counseling to parents regarding their child's progress or problems. While teacher aides may have some interactions with parents, such as providing updates on student performance, in most cases, counseling parents is handled by the teacher. Teacher aides may support the teacher in facilitating communication with parents but are typically not directly responsible for counseling.

D. Construct lesson plans as needed.
This option suggests that teacher aides should be able to construct lesson plans as needed. While it is beneficial for teacher aides to have a general understanding of lesson planning and instructional strategies, it is primarily the responsibility of the teacher to construct lesson plans. Teacher aides may assist in implementing lesson plans, but the primary construction and planning typically lie with the teacher.

Based on the considerations above, option A appears to be the most reasonable answer. Teacher aides should prepare themselves to learn or become familiar with appropriate language-related software programs, as this can greatly support their role in an ESL classroom.