To obtain 12 g of sucrose (MM=342) from a solution labeled 8.0% C12H22O11 by mass, we would need to weigh out ______ of solution?

Well, to obtain 12g of sucrose from a solution labeled 8.0% C12H22O11 by mass, you would need to weigh out... drumroll please... a solution that weighs 150g! Why? Because if 8.0% of the solution is sucrose (C12H22O11), then the remaining 92.0% is just the solution itself. So, let's do some quick math:

12g is 8.0% of the total mass of the solution.
Let's call the total mass of the solution "x" grams.
Therefore, 8.0% of x is equal to 12g.

Now, we can set up an equation:
0.08x = 12

Solving for x:
x = 12 / 0.08 = 150g

So, to obtain 12g of sucrose, you'll need to weigh out 150g of the solution. Happy weighing!

To determine the weight of the solution needed to obtain 12 g of sucrose, we can set up a proportion based on the percentage by mass of sucrose in the solution.

Step 1: Calculate the mass of sucrose in the solution:
8.0% of the solution is C12H22O11 (sucrose)
Therefore, 8.0% of the solution is 8.0 g/100 g of the solution (= 0.08 g/g)

Step 2: Set up a proportion to find the weight of the solution needed:
0.08 g of sucrose / x g of solution = 12 g of sucrose / 1 g of solution

Step 3: Solve for x:
0.08x = 12
x = 12 / 0.08
x = 150 g

Therefore, we would need to weigh out 150 g of the solution to obtain 12 g of sucrose.

To determine the weight of solution needed, we can use the mass percentage and molar mass of the compound.

First, we need to find the mass of sucrose required. This is given as 12 g.

Next, we can calculate the molar mass of sucrose (C12H22O11) which is 342 g/mol. This means that 1 mol of sucrose weighs 342 g.

Now we can use the molar mass and the mass percentage to find the weight of the solution required.

The solution is labeled as 8.0% C12H22O11 by mass. This means that in 100 g of the solution, 8.0 g is sucrose.

Let's assume we take x grams of the solution.

Then, the weight of the sucrose in x grams of the solution can be calculated using the mass percentage:
(sucrose weight in x grams) = (mass percentage of sucrose / 100) × x
(sucrose weight in x grams) = (8/100) × x
(sucrose weight in x grams) = 0.08x

As we know that we require 12 g of sucrose, we can set up the following equation:
0.08x = 12

Now we can solve for x:
x = 12 / 0.08
x = 150 g

Therefore, to obtain 12 g of sucrose from a solution labeled 8.0% C12H22O11 by mass, we would need to weigh out 150 g of the solution.

8% means 8 g/100 g or 0.08g sucrose/g soln.

Therefore, 0.08g * xg soln = 12g
solve for x