how to use colores in sun in a ciral shape

Do you mean this: How can I use colors in the sun in a circle shape?

If I'm guessing correctly about what your question is, you need to look at these images (photos and drawings) and make some decisions:

To use colors in a circular shape in the sun, you would need a prism or a similar object to create a rainbow effect. Here's how you can do it:

1. Find a prism: Prisms are objects that can refract light, splitting it into different colors. You can purchase a small prism online or find one in a physics lab or educational supply store.

2. Position the prism: Place the prism outside in direct sunlight. You'll want to position it in a way that sunlight passes through it.

3. Observe the circular shape: When sunlight passes through the prism, it will refract and separate into its component colors, creating a rainbow-like effect. If you position a white surface, like a piece of paper or a wall, a few feet away from the prism, you may see a circular shape of colors on that surface.

4. Experiment with angles: To enhance the circular shape, try adjusting the angle at which the sunlight enters the prism. By rotating or tilting the prism, you can manipulate the direction of the refracted light and create different shapes and patterns.

Remember, looking directly at the sun can be harmful to your eyes. Make sure to position the prism in a way that allows you to observe the colors without looking directly at the sun's intense light.

Note: Keep in mind that the circular shape you observe will be a result of the prism's properties and the angle at which light passes through it, rather than being directly caused by the sun itself.