Type a short character sketch of a fictional Puritan named Justice Johnson based on what you have learned about the Puritans. Make certain that you describe how he dresses, how he lives, what he believes, how he spends his time--in short, describe him so that a stranger, who knows nothing about Puritanism, would recognize him.

Can somebody help me answer this because I've turned it in twice and have gotten bads grades so I apparently don't understand it. Or possibly some websites to help me better understand!

Please post your character sketch, and we'll be glad to try and help you. Also, it would help if you posted your teacher's comments.

Thats the thing she won't leave comments, she hasn't helped me!

Then post your essay here and at least one of several English teachers will critique your paper and suggest ways of improving it.

Ms. Sue is right. Post your paper here if you'd like one of us to go over it for you. And personally, I'd rather not see your teacher's comments!

Just post your essay. =)

a short character sketch of a fictional Puritan named Justice Johnson based on what you have learned about the Puritans. Make certain that you describe how he dresses, how he lives, what he believes, how he spends his time--in short, describe him so that a stranger, who knows nothing about Puritanism, would recognize him.

Certainly, I can help you with that! To create a character sketch of a fictional Puritan named Justice Johnson, it's important to understand some key aspects of Puritanism. Let's break it down step by step.

1. Clothing: Puritans believed in modesty and simplicity, so Justice Johnson would likely dress in plain, dark-colored clothing. Men wore hats, long-sleeved shirts, and breeches, while women wore long dresses with aprons and bonnets.

2. Lifestyle: Puritans embraced a disciplined and industrious lifestyle. Justice Johnson would lead a devout, organized existence, centered around work, prayer, and religious devotion. He would strive to uphold high moral standards and diligently follow Puritan beliefs.

3. Beliefs: Puritans believed in the authority of the Bible and the importance of religious study. They focused on the concept of predestination, believing that an individual's fate was predetermined by God. Justice Johnson would likely emphasize the importance of piety, righteousness, and obedience to God's will.

4. Time: Justice Johnson would spend much of his time engaged in religious activities. He would attend church services regularly and participate in rigorous prayer sessions. Additionally, Puritans placed a strong emphasis on personal and community improvement, often engaging in tasks like education, farming, or craftsmanship.

To better understand Puritanism, you can refer to various sources. Here are a few websites that provide insights into Puritan life and beliefs:

1. History.com: This website offers a comprehensive overview of Puritanism, including its origins, beliefs, and practices. You can find articles, videos, and primary sources that delve into different aspects of Puritan life. (Link: https://www.history.com/topics/colonial-america/puritanism)

2. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation: This website provides resources on colonial American history, including in-depth information about the Puritans. You can explore articles, blogs, and educational resources that shed light on various aspects of Puritan society and culture. (Link: https://www.history.org/Almanack/life/religion/religion.cfm)

3. National Geographic: Their "Religions of the World" section covers various faiths, including Puritanism. National Geographic provides concise yet informative articles, photographs, and interactive features that can help you gain a better understanding of the Puritans. (Link: https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/Religion/)

By combining your knowledge of Puritans with the guidance provided by these resources, you'll be able to create an accurate character sketch of Justice Johnson, ensuring that a stranger unfamiliar with Puritanism can recognize him.