The solubility of Cu(NO3)2 is 6.83 grams per 100 grams of water (d= 0.9982 g/ml) How many grams of Cu(NO3)2 will dissolve in 175 ml of water?

6.83 x (g H2O/100) = ??

Convert 175 mL H2O to grams using density and substitute into the above.

thank u !!

To find the number of grams of Cu(NO3)2 that will dissolve in 175 ml of water, we need to use the given solubility information and convert the volume of water to grams.

First, let's convert the volume of water from milliliters (ml) to grams (g). We can do this by using the density of water, which is given as 0.9982 g/ml.

Density = Mass / Volume

Mass = Density × Volume

Mass = 0.9982 g/ml × 175 ml

Mass = 174.735 g

So, the mass of 175 ml of water is approximately 174.735 grams.

Now, we can calculate the number of grams of Cu(NO3)2 that will dissolve in 174.735 grams of water.

The solubility of Cu(NO3)2 is given as 6.83 grams per 100 grams of water.

Cross-multiplying these values, we can set up the following proportion:

6.83 g Cu(NO3)2 / 100 g water = x g Cu(NO3)2 / 174.735 g water

To solve for x, we can use the equation:

x = (6.83 g Cu(NO3)2 × 174.735 g water) / 100 g water

x ≈ 11.940 g

Therefore, approximately 11.940 grams of Cu(NO3)2 will dissolve in 175 ml of water.