what does arrondis le nombre 160 795 a la dizaine de mille pres mean ??

and answer plzz

Round to the nearest ten thousand?

Is this French or math?

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"Arrondis le nombre 160 795 à la dizaine de mille près" translates to "Round the number 160,795 to the nearest ten thousand."

To round a number to the nearest ten thousand, you need to consider the digit in the ten thousandth place (the fourth digit from the right).

In this case, the digit in the ten thousandth place is 7. To round the number, you look at the digit immediately to the right (the thousandth place). If it is 5 or greater, you increase the ten thousandth digit by 1 and replace the digits to the right with zeros. If it is less than 5, you simply replace the digits to the right with zeros without changing the ten thousandth digit.

In our case, the digit in the thousandth place is 9, which is greater than 5. So, we increase the ten thousandth digit by 1 to get 160,800. The remaining digits (hundreds, tens, and ones) become 0.

Therefore, when rounding the number 160,795 to the nearest ten thousand, the answer is 160,800.