Predict how many electrons will most likely be gained or lost by each of the following elements.

how do i know if they will lose of gain them?

here are the elements i need to know if they lose or gain them.


Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "elements electron loss gain" to get these possible sources:

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see

You might want to try to search for each element separately, e.g., "Cs electron loss gain."

To determine if an element will gain or lose electrons, you need to understand its position on the periodic table.

1. Cs (Cesium): Cesium is located in Group 1 on the periodic table. Elements in Group 1 tend to lose one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, which is the same as the nearest noble gas, in this case, helium (He). Therefore, Cs is likely to lose one electron.

2. Al (Aluminum): Aluminum is located in Group 13 on the periodic table. Elements in Group 13 tend to lose three electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, which is the same as the nearest noble gas, in this case, neon (Ne). Therefore, Al is likely to lose three electrons.

3. Se (Selenium): Selenium is located in Group 16 on the periodic table. Elements in Group 16 tend to gain two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, which is the same as the nearest noble gas, in this case, argon (Ar). Therefore, Se is likely to gain two electrons.

4. N (Nitrogen): Nitrogen is located in Group 15 on the periodic table. Elements in Group 15 tend to gain three electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, which is the same as the nearest noble gas, in this case, neon (Ne). Therefore, N is likely to gain three electrons.

In summary:
- Cs is likely to lose one electron.
- Al is likely to lose three electrons.
- Se is likely to gain two electrons.
- N is likely to gain three electrons.