find the median and mean of this numbers 95,75,86,96,70,68,76,81,95,76,69,83,93,88,94

Is the median 83and the mean 83 if i arrange the numbers in ascending order

mean is the average so just add everything and divide it by the number of addends.


I want to see if am right the average is 1245/15=83 so what is the median its the 8 th number right so is it 83

To find the median and mean of the given numbers, we first need to arrange the numbers in ascending order:

68, 69, 70, 75, 76, 76, 81, 83, 86, 88, 93, 94, 95, 95, 96

To find the median:
1. Since we have an odd number of values (15), the median will be the middlemost number.
2. The middlemost number is the 8th number in our sorted list, which is 83.

So, yes, the median is indeed 83.

To find the mean (average):
1. Add up all the numbers: 68 + 69 + 70 + 75 + 76 + 76 + 81 + 83 + 86 + 88 + 93 + 94 + 95 + 95 + 96 = 1230.
2. Divide the sum by the total number of values (15): 1230 / 15 = 82.

So, the mean (average) is 82, not 83.

To recap:
- The median is 83.
- The mean (average) is 82.