A bus makes a 10 mph journey through town . its top speed is 30 mph and its mean speed is 10 mph explain why theese speeds are diffrent ?

Traffic prevented the bus from going very fast.

Olease tellcne the answer

The top speed of a bus is the maximum speed that it can achieve under optimal conditions. It represents the highest speed that the bus is capable of reaching. On the other hand, the mean (or average) speed of the bus is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

In the given scenario, the bus makes a 10 mph journey through town. This means that the bus's mean speed is the same as its journey speed. The mean speed of the bus is lower than its top speed because there are various factors that can affect the bus's speed during its journey. These factors include traffic congestion, road conditions, frequent stops, and other obstacles. Therefore, even though the bus is capable of reaching a top speed of 30 mph, it is not able to maintain that speed on average throughout its journey due to these hindrances. As a result, the mean speed is significantly lower than the top speed.

The top speed of a bus refers to the maximum speed at which the bus can travel. It indicates the bus's capability to reach that speed under optimal conditions. However, the mean speed of the bus is the average speed over the entire duration of the journey.

In this case, the bus has a mean speed of 10 mph, which means that its actual speed during the journey is consistently around 10 mph. This could be due to various factors, such as traffic congestion, making it unable to reach its top speed of 30 mph.

It's important to note that the mean speed is not necessarily the same as the maximum or top speed. The mean speed provides a measure of the average velocity of the bus throughout its journey, while the top speed represents the bus's maximum capability under ideal circumstances.