

y = 40 / (5/8)
y = 40 * (8/5)
y = 320/5
y = 64

Thank u ms. Sue. :)

To solve the equation 5/8y = 40, we need to isolate the variable y.

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 5/8, which is 8/5. This will cancel out the fraction on the left side:

(8/5) * (5/8)y = (8/5) * 40

Simplifying, we get:
1y = 320/5

Step 2: Simplify the right side of the equation:

y = 64

So the solution to the equation 5/8y = 40 is y = 64.

If you're wondering how I arrived at these steps, here's a general explanation:

1. When dealing with fractions, you need to get rid of the denominator. To do this, multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal (flipped form) of the fraction. In this case, we multiply by 8/5 because it cancels out the 5/8 on the left side.

2. On the right side, multiply the fraction (40) by the same reciprocal (8/5) to maintain equality.

3. Simplify both sides by performing the suggested multiplications.

4. On the left side, the y's cancel out when multiplied with 8/5.

5. Finally, simplify the right side to find the value of y. In this case, the simplified equation is y = 64.