Tom has nickels, Jon has dimes,and Eliz

has silver dollars.Jon has 7 more coins than Eliz.Tom has 7 fewer coins than ELIZ.Together, the three have $23.55. how many silver dollars does Elis have?
please help me , because i am getting S=20.17, and usualy it should be integer number, thank you.

To find the number of silver dollars Eliz has, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information. Let's define the variables:

T = number of nickels Tom has
J = number of dimes Jon has
E = number of silver dollars Eliz has

From the given information, we can write the following equations:

1) Jon has 7 more coins than Eliz:
J = E + 7

2) Tom has 7 fewer coins than Eliz:
T = E - 7

3) Together, they have $23.55:
0.05T + 0.10J + 1.00E = 23.55 (since 1 nickel = $0.05, 1 dime = $0.10, and 1 silver dollar = $1.00)

Now, substitute equations (1) and (2) into equation (3) to eliminate T and J:

0.05(E - 7) + 0.10(E + 7) + 1.00E = 23.55

Simplify and solve for E:

0.05E - 0.35 + 0.10E + 0.70 + 1.00E = 23.55
1.15E = 23.55 + 0.35 - 0.70
1.15E = 23.20
E = 23.20 / 1.15
E = 20

Therefore, Eliz has 20 silver dollars.