Which of the following scenarios most likely describes the future of technology in education?

A. School personnel will become convinced that computers are a passing fad.
B. More interactive multimedia programs will become available.
C. Drill and practice will be the usual function of computers.
D. Schools will use computers primarily for testing.

I am leaning towards "B" as my answer.

I definitely agree.

I agree, but only because the other answers are silly. I think we are far from understanding how technology will best function, and how.

In my opinion, we all learn by practice spaced over time, knowing well that on some things some students require more or less practice than other. I suspect, but do not know, these principles will be built into programs, monitoring competency in specific learning tasks, reducing then the frequency of repetition, or spacing review/application lessons on those "mastered", but keeping up the review/repetion at a reduced rate. This will really make paced learning individualized, in content and rate.
How will schools adapt to this: What if a child completes Algebra II in three months at a high competency? What to do with that child? Frankly, if that happens now, the child sits in the same classroom the rest of the year, or goes to the library...
So we have a long way to go with learning how best to use technology, and how it will affect us. Remember, in truly individualized paced instruction, "lesson plans" that the teacher teaches the class will largely go away, as there are probably kids at ten different lessons at any one point.

But, we will figure it out.

To determine the most likely scenario for the future of technology in education, let's analyze each option and see which one aligns with the current trends and potential developments.

A. School personnel will become convinced that computers are a passing fad.
This scenario seems unlikely as computers have already become an integral part of education and have proven to be valuable tools. Furthermore, advancements in technology are continuously improving and being integrated into educational settings.

B. More interactive multimedia programs will become available.
This scenario is highly likely and aligns with current trends. With the advancement of technology, we can expect to see more interactive multimedia programs being created and utilized in education. These programs have the potential to enhance student engagement, improve learning outcomes, and provide more personalized and self-paced learning experiences.

C. Drill and practice will be the usual function of computers.
While drill and practice exercises can be a valuable tool for learning, this scenario seems less likely as it overlooks the potential of technology for more interactive and innovative educational experiences. Modern technology offers a wide range of features and applications that can go beyond simple drill and practice, making this scenario less probable.

D. Schools will use computers primarily for testing.
While computers are already used for testing purposes, it is not the sole purpose of their integration in education. Computers offer various benefits such as access to vast information sources, collaborative tools, multimedia content, and interactive learning experiences. Therefore, while testing will continue to be an important function, schools are likely to utilize computers for a broader range of educational purposes.

Considering the analysis, option B seems to be the most likely scenario for the future of technology in education, as it aligns with current trends and acknowledges the potential for more interactive multimedia programs to be developed and utilized in educational settings.