could someone please help me solve these two math problems? Which of the following numbers are integers? 2/13,570,0.096,-670,33.3?

write in the lowest terms 2 1/4+4 1/7?

Integers are numbers without a decimal part or a fractional part.

4, 18, -34 are integers.
-2/5, 3.14, 25.2, 14 1/2, are not.

When adding fractions, first add the integral part, then add the fractional part, carry-over if necessary.

2 1/4 + 4 1/7
= 2+4 + 1/4+1/7
= 6 + (7+4)/28
=6 11/28

Sure! Let's solve the first problem:

To determine if a number is an integer, we need to check if it is a whole number without any fractional or decimal parts.

Let's analyze each of the given numbers:

1) 2/13,570: This is a fraction, and since it has a numerator that is not divisible evenly by its denominator, it is not an integer.

2) 0.096: This is a decimal number, and since it has decimal places, it is not an integer.

3) -670: This is a whole number without any decimal or fractional parts, so it is an integer.

4) 33.3: This is a decimal number, and since it has decimal places, it is not an integer.

Therefore, out of the given numbers, only -670 is an integer.

Now let's move on to the second problem:

To add two mixed numbers, we need to convert them into improper fractions, find their common denominator, and then add them.

Let's start with the given numbers:
2 1/4 and 4 1/7

To convert these mixed numbers into improper fractions, we multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, then add the numerator.

For 2 1/4:
2 * 4 = 8
8 + 1 = 9

So, 2 1/4 can be written as 9/4.

For 4 1/7:
4 * 7 = 28
28 + 1 = 29

So, 4 1/7 can be written as 29/7.

Now that we have both fractions in the same form, we can add them. To do this, we need to find a common denominator, which in this case is 4 * 7 = 28.

Now, we rewrite our fractions with the common denominator:

9/4 + 29/7

To add fractions with the same denominator, we simply add their numerators:

(9 + 4*29) / 28

(9 + 116) / 28


So the sum of 2 1/4 and 4 1/7, in lowest terms, is 125/28.

I hope this helps you understand how to solve these types of math problems!