need help proofreading this acrostic poem

Helping people in need of medical attention.
Opening doors for people seeking refuge from their sickness.
Serving anyone no matter their background.
Providing patients information of good or bad news.
Illnesses are treated with the best medical care.
Taking courses to further knowledge in individual medical practice.
A place which new lives begin and an unfortunately place for which death rings the door.
Lives which are lost too soon or lost because of the unstoppable power of time.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you proofread your acrostic poem. However, before we begin, let me explain the process of proofreading to you.

Proofreading involves carefully reviewing a written document to correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall clarity. It is important because it helps ensure that your writing is clear, professional, and error-free.

To proofread your acrostic poem effectively, follow these steps:

1. Read the poem aloud: This can help you identify awkward phrases, missing words, or inconsistencies in the flow of the poem.

2. Check spelling and grammar: Carefully examine each word for correct spelling and ensure that the grammar is accurate. Pay attention to subject-verb agreement, verb tense consistency, and proper use of punctuation marks.

3. Review the acrostic structure: Make sure that the first letter of each line, when read vertically, spells out the intended word or phrase. In your case, it spells out "HOSPITAL."

Now, let's move on to proofreading your poem:

Helping people in need of medical attention.
Opening doors for people seeking refuge from their sickness.
Serving anyone, no matter their background.
Providing patients with information of good or bad news.
Illnesses are treated with the best medical care.
Taking courses to further knowledge in individual medical practice.
A place where new lives begin and unfortunately a place where death rings the door.
Lives which are lost too soon or lost because of the unstoppable power of time.

I have made a few changes to improve clarity and consistency within the poem. Please note that poetry often allows for creative freedom, so feel free to adjust the revisions according to your preference.

I hope this explanation and the proofreading suggestions are helpful! Let me know if you have any further questions.