It is also one of the oldest lakes on earth.


Hundreds of animals are found only in Lake Baikal or the nearby area.


But what is your question?


I have to pick out the adjectives

You're correct in the first sentence.

In the second sentence, hundreds is a noun, not an adjective. You're right about nearby being an adjective.

In the given sentences, "oldest," "hundreds," and "nearby" are all adjectives. Adjectives are words used to describe or modify nouns. They provide additional information about the noun they are modifying.

To identify an adjective in a sentence, you can look for words that describe a noun. In the first sentence, "oldest" is used to describe "lake," indicating that it is the superlative form of the adjective "old." This suggests that Lake Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on Earth.

In the second sentence, "hundreds" describes the quantity of animals found in Lake Baikal or the nearby area. It indicates that there are a large number of animals, specifically in the hundreds, and is therefore used as an adjective.

Lastly, in the third sentence, "nearby" describes the location of the area. It indicates that the animals mentioned are found in a place that is close in distance or proximity to Lake Baikal. "Nearby" is used as an adjective in this context.