how do you make a model for the product of 0.04 multiplyied by 8


Make a square, subdivided into a 5x5 grid, so that there are 25 little squares.

Each little square is 0.04 of the whole square.

When you multiply 0.04 by 8, how would you model the product?


To make a model for the product of 0.04 multiplied by 8, you can follow the steps below:

1. Understand the problem: Start by understanding the multiplication operation. Multiplying two numbers means finding the total value when you add one number to itself a certain number of times. In this case, we want to find the product of 0.04 and 8, which means adding 0.04 to itself 8 times.

2. Set up your model: Draw a number line or a grid on a piece of paper. Label the line or the grid from 0 to 8. Each unit on the line or the grid represents the number 0.04.

3. Partition the line or grid: Divide the number line or grid into 8 equal sections to represent the 8 times we will add the value of 0.04.

4. Fill in the model: Starting from 0, add the value of 0.04 to each section of the line or grid, moving to the right. Repeat this process until you have filled in all 8 sections.

5. Calculate the total: Count the number of filled sections on the line or the total number of cells in the grid. This will give you the product of 0.04 multiplied by 8.

In this case, when you follow the steps above, you will find that the product of 0.04 multiplied by 8 is 0.32.