Two vectors are given by a = 1.8 x - 9.6 y and b = -17.5 x + 1.6 y. What is the magnitude of a?

What is the angle between vector b and the positive x-axis?

What is the magnitude of the vector a + b?

The magnitude of a vector

is √(p²+q²).
The angle is given by
arcTan2(q/p) from the i axis if p≠0, or 90 or 270° if p=0 and q>0 or q<0.

sorry but i still don't understand can elaborate on your answer.

consider any vector f= Ax + By

where x,y are coordinates, 90 degrees separated.

The magnitude of f is given by sqrt(A^2+B^2)
so do that above.

thanks for the help

i got the answers for a&c but i cant get b
can you explain further

b = -17.5 x + 1.6 y

the end point of the vector is in the second quadrant (x<0, y>0)
angle with the x-axis is
tan-11.6/-17.5=(180-5.2)° (second quadrant)


i did 360-5.2 instead

360-5.2 would lie in the fourth quadrant, and applies when x=17.5 and y=-1.6, which is not the present case.

i tried 180-5.2=174.8

but it was incorrect

Was 354.8 correct?

Did you check the number of decimals requested?
Is it supposed to be in degrees or radians?

the answer is in degrees and i tried 354.78 it was also wrong and the website didn't comment on the number of decimals