What would you do if you were the employer of the individual who gave you poor service to increase the chances that you would recruit and select people would provide better service. Be specific and list at least three things

I think the answer is
1. a Job description - to clarify the actual job specifications of the job
2. testing - Personality / knowledge tests to pick the right candidate
3. still thinking about this answer

But am I on the right track?

3. Ask for references and check them out

4. Have several people familiar with the job requirements interview the candidate

You're on the right track! Here are three steps you can take as an employer to increase the chances of recruiting and selecting people who will provide better service:

1. Job description and specifications: Clearly define the job responsibilities, qualifications, and performance expectations in a detailed job description. This will help potential candidates understand the requirements of the role and self-select based on their skills and experience. A comprehensive job description will attract individuals who are genuinely interested and qualified for the position, increasing the likelihood of better service.

2. Evaluation and testing: Implement personality and knowledge tests during the selection process to assess candidates' suitability for the role. Personality assessments can help identify characteristics and traits that align with providing excellent customer service, such as empathy, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. Knowledge tests can measure candidates' understanding of the industry, products, or services, ensuring they have the necessary background to excel in the role. Well-designed assessments can help filter out candidates who may not be a good fit for delivering high-quality service.

3. Behavioral interviews: Conduct behavioral interviews to gain insights into candidates' past experiences and their approach to customer service situations. Ask questions that focus on specific examples of dealing with challenging customers, resolving conflicts, or going above and beyond to assist a client. By analyzing their past behavior, you can assess if candidates possess the right mindset and attitude for providing exceptional service. Look for individuals who demonstrate strong customer orientation, problem-solving skills, adaptability, and perseverance.

By implementing these steps, you can improve your recruitment and selection process, attracting candidates who are more likely to provide better service and ensuring a better fit for your organization's customer service needs.