In what direction did erectus migrate from Kenya in east Africa to Indonesia

He basically went east. However, probably he first went north to cross into Asia on the Suez Peninsula. Then he turned east.

To determine the direction in which erectus migrated from Kenya in East Africa to Indonesia, you can refer to scientific research and archaeological evidence. Here's how you can approach finding the answer:

1. Study the Fossil Record: Begin by researching the known fossil remains of erectus in both Kenya and Indonesia. Consider the age and distribution of these fossils, as well as any other relevant archaeological findings.

2. Review Migration Theories: Look into different theories proposed by experts regarding the migration patterns of erectus. Some theories suggest that erectus migrated primarily by land, while others propose a combination of land and sea routes.

3. Analyze Geological and Climatic Factors: Geological and climatic changes can play a significant role in shaping migration patterns. Investigate the environmental conditions and tectonic activities during the estimated migration period of erectus. Consider how these factors may have influenced their movement.

4. Consult Scientific Publications: Consult peer-reviewed scientific papers, research articles, and books that discuss the subject. Look for scholarly works authored by experts in the field, which provide evidence-based explanations for erectus migration.

5. Consider Genetic and Anthropological Studies: Genetic and anthropological studies can provide additional insights into human migration patterns. While erectus predates genetic studies, you can investigate modern human genetic migration patterns that may indirectly shed light on earlier human migrations.

Combining findings from multiple sources will help you construct a more accurate understanding of the direction and path erectus took during their migration from Kenya to Indonesia.