Which of the 50 states excluding Hawaii is located the farthest north and which is located the farthest South?

Check this map.


Because the southern most point is difficult to tell on that or most other maps, I looked up the latitude of Brownsville, TX, and Key West, FL.

Brownsville is located at 25n54. Key West is at 24n33.


To find the state located farthest north and farthest south among the 50 states excluding Hawaii, you can look at a map or consult geographic data sources.

1. Finding the state farthest north:
To determine the northernmost state, you can look for its latitude. Latitude measures the distance of a location from the equator. The higher the latitude, the farther north a place is located. By comparing the latitudes of each state, you can identify the northernmost state.

2. Finding the state farthest south:
Similarly, you can use latitude to find the southernmost state. This time, you'll be looking for the lowest latitude, as a lower latitude corresponds to a more southern location.

To perform these searches, you can use various online tools, such as mapping websites, geographic information systems (GIS), or even search engines. These tools often provide location information and can help you identify the northernmost and southernmost states.

Remember, Hawaii is excluded from this analysis since it is located far off the coast of North America.