A block of metal has a width of 3.2 , a length of 17.1 , and height of 4.8 . Its mass is 1.2 . Calculate the density of the metal.

This is an impossible question to answer as there are no units given.

Assuming that the dimensions are all in the same units then the volume =
3.2 x 17.1 x 4.8

Density = mass/volume

but you would be unable to specify the units


To calculate the density of the metal, you need to divide its mass by its volume.

Step 1: Calculate the volume of the metal.
The volume of a block can be found by multiplying its length (L), width (W), and height (H).
Volume = Length x Width x Height
Volume = 17.1 x 3.2 x 4.8

Step 2: Calculate the density of the metal.
Density = Mass / Volume
Density = 1.2 / (17.1 x 3.2 x 4.8)

Now, you can calculate the density of the metal by dividing the mass by the volume using the given values.

To calculate the density of the metal, we need to use the formula:

Density = Mass / Volume

First, we need to find the volume of the metal block. The volume of a rectangular block can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height:

Volume = Length * Width * Height

In this case, the length is 17.1 cm, the width is 3.2 cm, and the height is 4.8 cm.

Plugging these values into the formula:

Volume = 17.1 cm * 3.2 cm * 4.8 cm

Now, calculate the volume:

Volume = 260.352 cm^3

Next, we can calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume:

Density = 1.2 g / 260.352 cm^3

Finally, calculate the density:

Density = 0.0046 g/cm^3

Therefore, the density of the metal is 0.0046 g/cm^3.