A photon of which color of light carries the least energy.

All photons have the same energy.

A photon of re light has a wavelengh of 645nm. Calculate the energy of this photon.

To determine which color of light carries the least energy, we need to understand the relationship between color and energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. The energy of a photon is directly related to its wavelength or frequency.

In general, photons with longer wavelengths have lower energy, while photons with shorter wavelengths have higher energy. The visible light spectrum ranges from red (longest wavelength, lowest energy) to violet (shortest wavelength, highest energy).

Therefore, the color of light that carries the least energy would be red, as it has the longest wavelength among the listed options. Yellow has a slightly shorter wavelength, followed by green, and then blue, which has the shortest wavelength and highest energy among the given colors.

It's important to note that all photons, regardless of color, travel at the same speed in a vacuum (the speed of light), but their energy differs based on their wavelength or frequency.