explain how to compare 8,563 and 8699

Which is greater? 85 or 86


Therefore 8,563 would be less than 8,699

To compare the numbers 8,563 and 8,699, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Look at the digits in the thousands place. In 8,563, the digit in the thousands place is 8, and in 8,699, the digit in the thousands place is also 8.

Step 2: Since both numbers have the same digit in the thousands place, move to the next place value, which is the hundreds place. In 8,563, the digit in the hundreds place is 5, and in 8,699, the digit in the hundreds place is 6.

Step 3: Since 6 is greater than 5, we can conclude that 8,699 is greater than 8,563.

Therefore, 8,699 is the larger number when comparing it to 8,563.