Indicate the relationships between the family members listed below

Modelos: yo / mi tía
Yo soy el (la) sobrino(a) de mi tía.
mis abuelos / mi padre
Mis abuelos son los padres de mi padre

1.mi madre / mi hijo(a)

2.mis primos / mi mamá

Please refer to your later post, which I saw first.


1. Mi madre es la madre de mi hijo(a).

To determine this relationship, you need to understand that "mi madre" means "my mother" and "mi hijo(a)" means "my son/daughter." Therefore, the relationship is that of a parent and child.

2. Mis primos son los primos de mi mamá.

To determine this relationship, you need to understand that "mis primos" means "my cousins" and "mi mamá" means "my mom." Therefore, the relationship is that of cousins and aunt/uncle.